Our Sunday School class, the Breakfast Club, is focusing on the red words (Jesus’ words) of the Gospel of Mark. This week we were supposed to look at Mark 1 and 2.
I often identify with the Pharisees and teachers of the law, so Mark 2:17 kind of hit close to home.
Mark 2:17 “It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. I have not come to call the righteous, but the sinners.”
If I believe that Jesus came to call me too, then how do I fit into this verse?
I get it that Jesus modeled for us that those who may appear to be far away from His teachings are precisely the ones for whom he came. Those are the ones who should also be my focus for sharing His good news. I suppose it is also a reminder that I am in reality one of the “sick” and am in need of the doctoring of Jesus as well regardless of how righteous or “spiritually healthy” I may appear or feel.
Yet, I still feel like a rule following Pharisee. Perhaps my call is to remember the reality of my own “sickness” and need for the healing of Jesus as I also am on the lookout for opportunities to minister to and serve other “sickies” I come into contact with.
Maybe I can also take to heart the wineskin analogy by endeavoring to remain pliable and open to the new “wine” of teaching that God is pouring into my life.